Root canal treatment is a well-documented highly effective procedure of more than a 95% success rate. Many teeth with well-treated root canals can last a lifetime. On the other hand, taking in consideration cost effectiveness and tooth strength after root canal treatment, scale does not tip in favor of root canal treatment. Current shift is rising in the horizon towards adopting Vital pulp therapy (VPT) as a potential alternative to root canal treatment in cases diagnosed with acute irreversible pulpitis. In general, vital pulp therapy is a restorative dental procedure that aims to treat teeth with compromised dental pulp without the full removal or excavation of all healthy pulp tissue. VPT can include indirect or direct pulp capping (i.e., placement of a protective material over the pulp) and partial or full pulpotomy (i.e., removal of part or all of the coronal pulp). Pulp capping agents used in VPT should be biocompatible and bioactive such as bioceramics. Success of VPT is dependent on a variety of factors, including the amount of inflamed tissue, an adequate blood supply to the tooth, healthy periodontium, and the opportunity to create an appropriate coronal seal. In the presentation, the concept of VPT will be discussed including indications, contraindications, advantages ,diagnosis and prognosis. In addition, some cases will be displayed.
- Follow the recent guidelines for VPT cases.
- Recognize the indications and contra indications for pulpotomy.
- Determine the success and failure of the recalled cases.