The dilemma facing the dental practitioner whether to preserve a badly decayed tooth via endodontic treatment and subsequent restoration or to extract and insert an implant is always a crucial issue. In this debate lecture, we are going to present substantial evidence supporting each protocol as well as evidence against. The long term follow up clinical trials concerning conservative management or implants will be presented revealing the sustainability of each protocol. The possible expected outcomes will be discussed via systematic reviews among the literature. Moreover, the biological width concerns and the biomechanics of the final restorations for both endodontically treated teeth and implants will be compared. The criteria and factors taken in consideration in decision-making will be discussed to formulate a protocol to be followed afterwards in facing future cases.
- Identify the different factors taken in consideration in treatment planning.
- Choose the suitable line of treatment for each case on contingency basis.
- Modify the treatment plan according to any changes in clinical parameters