To GentleWave, or Not to GentleWave – The Future of Endodontic Irrigation

Endodontists have long since dreamed to debride and disinfect the root canal system without the use of any single instrument. A multitude of factors were beyond this ambition: shaping errors and file separation, limitations of file systems to clean and disinfect the complex root canal system, the amount of removed dentin that may relate to increased susceptibility to tooth fracture. While advancement in technology has continued to decrease number of files used during RCT procedures and provide different activation protocols to disinfect beyond the instruments limits, a true non-instrumental technique still a dream to become a true. This seminar is geared toward reviewing and critically analyzing literature since Lussi et al 1993 introduced their non-instrumental technique (NIT) till the introduction of the GentleWave system to guide us as clinicians to make realistic decisions in our cleaning and disinfection strategies, as well as allowing us to better inform our students, patients and referring dentists of the current clinical situation.


  • Recognize if non-instrumentational endodontics came true!
  • Describe the current irrigation protocols used today in endodontics
  • Discuss and evaluate GentleWave endodontics and how this technology impacts the future of root canal disinfection

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