Vital Pulp Therapy; an Update of Classifications, Indications, Challenges, and Follow Ups

Currently, Endodontics is facing outstanding innovative advancements in diagnosis, and clinical interventions to achieve more sustainable outcomes both for practitioners and the patients. Vital pulp therapy and regenerative endodontic procedures are the most important twos. VPT as a dedicated therapeutic method is targeting pulpal tissue conservation, protection, and maintenance when compromised by different causes. Respecting the inherent capacity of dental pulp to repair actively, VPT seems to be more practical and successful contemporarily based on higher chances of case selection, new biomaterials availability, easier ways of follow ups and also modalities attainable to overcome shortcomings and failed cases if any. As it is needed to extent knowledge and experience of pulp biology, physiology, microbiology, caries progression, dental materials,


  1. Classification and  indications of vital pulp therapy
  2. Discuss challenges encountered during vital pulp therapy
  3. How to improve vital pulp therapy results.

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