Is this tooth hopeless?

The aim of endodontic treatment is to prevent or cure apical periodontitis.
Root canal treatment is a predictable procedure with high survival rate.
However, procedural problems such as broken instruments, ledge
formation, transportation of the canal, root perforation and extrusion of
the irrigants can affect the prognosis. On the other hand, patients demand
the retention of their teeth more than ever before and this results in
increasing necessity for the retreatment. Retreatment is easier with the
help of Ni-Tis, biomaterials and ultrasonic instruments. Even hopeless
teeth can be saved. There is no doubt that both root canal treatment and
retreatment of teeth are feasible and economical ways to preserve
function. In this lecture, follow-up of some tricky cases will be presented
and discussed.


1-  Technical difficulty with iatrogenic errors

2- What factors to consider while saving teeth

3- Case series for problematic teeth.

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