The obturation of the root canal system is a very important step of the root canal system in order to achieve a positive outcome of the therapy; as a matter of fact an high percentage of the endodontic failures are associated with incomplete root canal obturation.
The Warm Gutta Percha techniques fixed the problems arising from the cold techniques, allowing the clinician to properly seal the root canal system in a three dimensional way.
Warm gutta percha techniques are certainly the best techniques to achieve the obturation objectives and can be considered the “golden standard” techniques to get an high quality obturation. Lately, the introduction of the Bioceramic sealer changed the obturation scenario. Bioceramic sealers, as the CeraSeal, represent a real game changer; thanks to their properties brought a specific obturation technique back from the past and make it more modern and predictable: the Single Cone. In both cases, to carry out a proper obturation is really important that the clinician knows the technique and the characteristics and /or properties of the materials he is using, as sealer and obturation devices.
The aim of this workshop is first to analyze characteristics, benefits and limitation of the different techniques in order to create a rationale for the selection of a specific obturation technique according with the clinical situation. The second aim is to share with the attendees the clinical experience of the speaker on Warm Gutta Percha techniques, analyzing details and sharing tips on the proper use of the EQ-V system, never forgetting that nowadays the Single Cone – thanks to bioceramic sealer – has become a very interesting option when it comes to carry out high quality root canal obturation.
The participants will have the opportunity during the workshop to apply the obturation techniques on 3D printed model for better understanding the teachings received during the theoretical part.
Location: Abdeen Hall
Filippo Cardinali
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