Is endodontics stressful?If endodontic treatment is organized,
it can be easy, efficient, and enjoyable. But if it is
disorganized, it becomes stressful, confusing, and
chaotic. The very best way to get organized in any field of
dentistry is to create reproducible systems for every performed
procedure. In this way the operator can approach difficult
anatomies in an easy way during all the procedure composed
by three main phases: shaping, cleaning and tridimensional
filling. Even if the root canal system is curved, it’s possible
nowadays to maintain the centered shaping without over
enlarging the root canal system and avoiding the risk of
iatrogenic errors. But a complex case can be represented by a
retreatments A plan should be developed after the clinician has
determined the cause of failure and weighed other factors that
may affect the prognosis. Retreatment cases may require
surgical endodontics in combination with nonsurgical
retreatment. Usually they are considered as challenge, but if
managed with a proper instrumentation, they become easy and
The goal of this lecture is sharing protocols, techniques and
choices for managing all the complexities that a clinician can
face during the daily practice
Key learning points
– How to make a proper Diagnosis in Endodontics
– How to deal with curved canals
– How to manage complex retreatments
– How to manage internal – external resorptions
– How to manage broken files
Location: Abdeen Hall
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